Q A Floor and Surface Cleaning, LLC, your one-stop-shop for all your cleaning needs. Our expert team is dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning services that are tailored to your specific requirements. Contact us today for a spotless environment.
We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and sterile environment in medical offices. Our team has the necessary training and equipment to ensure that your office is clean and sanitized.
Our carpet cleaning services use only safe, non-toxic products that are gentle on your carpets and the environment. We will leave your carpets looking and smelling fresh.
Our janitorial services include trash removal, restroom cleaning, and floor maintenance using only the best products. We are committed to keeping your facility clean and healthy.
We offer eco-friendly cleaning services for offices of all sizes. Our team uses only environmentally safe cleaning products to ensure your office is clean and healthy.
We provide exceptional tile and grout cleaning services to protect your family, staff, and clients. Our trained floor technicians will reduce stains on grout and embedded soils that hold bacteria by using equipment specifically designed to clean deep into grout lines.
Our construction cleanup services use only environmentally safe products to clean up your site and remove all debris, dust, and dirt. We are committed to keeping the environment clean.
Our wood floor cleaning process provides a quick, efficient clean for your flooring, thanks to a combination of effective products, innovative equipment, and highly trained technicians. We also offer hardwood floor recoating to restore the shine and restore the protective layer. You will be amazed at the difference!
We are locally owned and operated.
Waldorf, Maryland
6316 Oxon Hill Road Suite 452 Oxon Hill, Maryland 20745 Phone: 301-615-5010 Email: Lirving@qabservices.com
Mon | 08:00 am – 07:30 pm | |
Tue | 08:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Wed | 08:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Thu | 08:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Fri | 08:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Sat | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sun | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |